
Have we missed the target?

Are you dissatisfied? At Humania Assurance, it is important that all our clients be treated fairly.


We are committed to responding to every complaint:

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Do not hesitate to contact us. When you take the time to file a complaint, you are giving us a second chance to make things right, as well as helping us:

  • get to know our clients and their needs better,
  • improve our products and services,
  • prevent dissatisfaction in the future, and
  • build a long-term relationship of trust with our clients.

How do I file a complaint?

First, get in touch with the department that served you.

Start by talking to the employee who served you.

If necessary, you can contact our Customer Service, who will be happy to assist you.

If you are not satisfied with the answer and wish to speak to the department supervisor, do not hesitate to say so.

If you are dissatisfied because your claim for Disability Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance or Life Insurance was declined, please note that you may appeal the decision rather than file a complaint. When a claim is declined, you letter of refusal will show which documents you need to provide to appeal the decision.

If you are not satisfied with the answer given by the department in question, you can file a complaint with Humania's Complaints Officer.

Here is the contact information for Humania's Complaints Officer:

M. Jean-Benoît Forgues
Assistant Vice-President, Legal Affairs & Compliancer
Humania Assurance
1555 Girouard Street West
St-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 2Z6

It is preferable that you file a written complaint, with the word "Complaint" at the top of your letter, or using the complaint form.

If you need assistance in writing your complaint, please contact our legal department at, specifying the details of your request.

If you are not satisfied with the answer provided by Humania Assurance's Complaints Officer, you can ask to have an outside organization review your case.

The following can review your complaint:

You must obtain an answer from Humania's Complaints Officer before for one of these organizations will review your case.

Remember, you are entitled to the following:

  • to be informed of the measures taken to resolve your issue and how long it should take;
  • to know the exact reasons for any decision affecting you;
  • to obtain help from the Compliance Department to file your complaint.

You can read our complete complaint policy here.